This plot is in the open area of Kate's Branch Wetland. This area is dominated by Sparganium americanum, Scirpus spp., Carex spp., etc... To the east of this area is a small cattail wetland and to the west the wetland is mostly a shrub wetland area with Alnus serrulata, Hypericum densiflorum and many Carex spp. The sides of the wetland are bordered by Pinus strobus stands with Rhododendron maximum and Kalmia latifolia thickets.;This plot is located in an open wetland area. There is a drainage channel throughout the wetland. In most areas there is not much or any standing water, but the entire wetland is always saturated to the ground surface.
Represents flat microtopography in wetter position compared to adjacent plot #21. This plot and plot #21 are throughout the wetland in a complex mosaic.